CPC Winter 2017-18 Seasonal and Monthly
Precipitation and Temperature
Outlooks in Review

December-January-February 2017-2018

Jan Null, CCM, CM
Golden Gate Weather Services

Comparison of last year's NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) 30-day and 90-day precipitation and temperature forecasts for the winter period of December-February (DJF) 2017-2018 with the actual observed conditons.

Winter Precipitation:
 The CPC Winter Precipitation Outlook DJF 2017-18 did better than in several of the recent winters, partly because the overall pattern ended up close to a "typical" La Niña.  and the poorly in the West, missing the near-record precipitation across most of California and the very dry conditons in the Pacific Northwest, as well as the mostly above normal pattern across the Great Basin, Southwest and most of Texas. Conversely it was good across the north from the northern Rockies to the Great Lakes. Most of the southeastern quadrant of the country and the Northeast was a mixed bag.

Winter Temperature: The CPC Winter Temperature Outlook was out of phase in the cool West and warm northeastern quadrant of the nation, while the very warm southern half was forecast well.

Monthly Precipitation and Temperature Analyses:  Forecast and observed conditons are graphically also depicted below.

Winter 2017-2018 Precipitation
NOAA CPC 90-Day Precipitation Outlook DJF 2017-2018 Observed DJF 2017-2018 Precipitation Anomalies
Winter 2017-2018 Temperature
NOAA CPC 90-Day Temperature Outlook DJF 2017-2018 Observed DJF 2017-2018 Temperature Anomalies
  * "Good": Same category (i.e., dry forecast, precip < normal).
* "Not Good": Opposite category (i..e, cold forecast, temp > normal).
* "Mixed": One category off (i.e., wet forecast, normal observed).

December 2017 Precipitation
NOAA CPC Precipitation Outlook December 2017 Observed December 2017 Precipitation Anomaly
December 2017 Temperature
NOAA CPC Temperature Outlook December 2017 Observed December 2017 Temperature Anomalies

January 2018 Precipitation
NOAA CPC Precipitation Outlook January 2018 Observed January 2018 Precipitation Anomlies
January 2018 Temperature
NOAA CPC Temperature Outlook January 2018 Observed January 2018 Temperature Anomalies

February 2018 Precipitation
NOAA CPC Precipitation Outlook February 2018 Observed February 2018 Precipitation Anomalies
February 2018 Temperature
NOAA CPC Temperature Outlook February 2018 Observed February 2018 Temperature Anomalies

The 30-day and 90-day outlooks were retreived from the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) archives and the corresponding observed temperature and precipitation data were downloaded from NOAA ESRL Climate Division Data.

CPC Gridded Seasonal Verifications can be found at http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/long_range/tools/briefing/seas_veri.grid.php

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