Top Ten Cumulative 1 to 10 Days Rainfall


Ending 1 day Ending 2 day Ending 3 day Ending 4 day Ending 5 day
Date Total Date Total Date Total Date Total Date Total
11/05/1994 5.54 12/20/1866 7.90 12/20/1866 8.85 12/21/1866 9.49 12/22/1866 9.80
01/29/1881 4.67 11/06/1994 6.76 01/10/1862 7.31 01/11/1862 8.56 01/09/1862 9.01
12/19/1866 4.28 01/10/1862 5.96 11/06/1994 6.90 12/21/1871 7.16 11/09/1994 7.53
01/04/1982 4.22 12/19/1871 5.95 01/30/1881 6.81 11/07/1994 6.92 12/21/1871 7.41
11/26/1864 3.98 01/29/1881 5.85 12/20/1871 6.25 01/31/1881 6.86 02/01/1881 6.87
11/23/1874 3.98 02/05/1887 5.14 03/06/1879 5.44 03/07/1879 6.39 12/17/2002 6.74
12/20/1866 3.62 11/24/1874 5.03 12/13/1995 5.32 12/16/2002 5.98 02/18/1986 6.60
12/11/1995 3.61 12/12/1995 4.89 10/13/1962 5.20 10/13/1962 5.48 03/08/1879 6.52
01/09/1862 3.50 01/04/1982 4.60 02/06/1887 5.15 12/13/1995 5.45 02/06/1998 6.38
04/16/1853 3.45 01/21/1967 4.55 11/24/1874 5.13 02/07/1887 5.39 11/30/1864 6.01
Ending 6 day Ending 7 day Ending 8 day Ending 9 day Ending 10 day
Date Total Date Total Date Total Date Total Date Total
01/10/1862 11.47 01/11/1862 12.72 01/11/1862 12.72 01/17/1862 13.02 01/17/1862 14.37
12/21/1866 9.92 12/21/1866 10.55 12/22/1866 10.86 12/26/1866 11.13 12/27/1866 11.45
12/23/1871 9.64 12/23/1871 9.89 12/24/1871 10.08 12/24/1871 10.08 12/27/1871 10.92
02/07/1998 8.09 02/07/1998 8.84 02/08/1998 9.25 02/08/1998 9.42 02/07/1998 10.16
11/09/1994 7.67 12/19/2002 8.24 12/20/2002 8.95 12/21/2002 9.06 12/21/2002 9.06
03/09/1879 7.57 02/03/1881 7.87 02/04/1881 7.93 12/25/1852 8.14 01/29/1967 8.34
02/18/1986 6.89 11/10/1994 7.68 03/09/1879 7.70 02/05/1881 8.04 12/25/1852 8.34
01/31/1881 6.87 03/09/1879 7.57 11/10/1994 7.68 02/20/1986 7.71 02/05/1881 8.04
12/18/2002 6.78 02/18/1986 7.45 02/19/1986 7.65 01/28/1967 7.70 01/23/1875 7.77
11/30/1864 6.49 01/26/1967 6.62 02/04/1926 7.11 03/09/1879 7.70 02/20/1986 7.74

These values are the highest consecutive daily totals for each "event".  In some cases there are adjacent multi-day periods that would rank as well.

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