This review compares last year's
Old Farmer's Almanac seasonal precipitation and temperature forecasts for the winter period of
November-March (NDJFM)
2011-2012 and the summer period of June-August (JJA) with the observed temperature and
precipitation anomalies for the same periods.
The Winter and Summer
forecasts are reproduced from the 2012 Old Farmer's Almanac (Yankee
Publishing, Dublin, NH) and the corresponding observed temperature and
precipitation data were downloaded from the
Climate Diagnostics Center
The Old Farmer's Almanac (OFA)
precipitation forecast for NDJFM 2011-12 missed the
very dry conditions in California and New England and along the Atlantic
Seaboard. It was also out of phase with the wetter than normal
conditions in east Texas and north through much of the MIssissippi
Valley. The OFA did capture the above normal Nov-Mar precipitation
in the Pacific Northwest and the dry conditons in the Great Basin and
south Florida. The OFA winter temperature forecast did poorly with
the above normal temperatures from the northern Plains and Great Lakes
into New England. It did well with its mild temperature in western
Washington. Summer: The OFA summertime
precipitation forecast captured the dry weather in the
nation's midsection but missed with a wet forecast in New England and
the Southeast. The OFA summer temperature forecast missed the very
warm (i.e., drought) conditions for most of the eastern two-thirds of
the country. Likewise it was out of phase along the West Coast
where it was normal to below normal near the Pacific.
click graphics to enlarge
Winter |
Old Farmer's
Almanac Winter Forecast NDJFM 2011-2012 |
NDJFM 2011-2012 Precipitation Anomalies |
NDJFM 2011-2012 Temperature Anomalies |
Summer |
Old Farmer's
Almanac Summer Forecast JJA 2012 |
JJA 2012 Precipitation Anomalies |
JJA 2012 Temperature Anomalies |